This data is stored until you revoke your consent, and is intended for use by Bandai Namco's services responsible for customer relationship management. Such data processing is carried out only with your consent. The opportunity to personalize the characters by giving them different colored garments, additional costumes, and things that can be bought with money earned from the battles and then equipped is something else that is brand new to the franchise.In accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, your full name and email address will be used by Bandai Namco for the purpose of providing you with a newsletter and information about Bandai Namco's activities. Five new characters have been added to the ever-expanding regular cast, and all of the unique modes from the previous games have been brought back, along with the addition of a combat minigame and a platforming game called “Devil Within,” which star Jin Kazama in their own separate stories. Tekken 5 is a fighting game that is more similar to past iterations of the series due to reducing the odd stage design characteristics introduced in its immediate predecessor. When it was announced that the fifth King of the Iron Fist competition would be held, Kazuya and his son Jin decided to participate in unraveling the riddle.

Despite this, the Mishima Zaibatsu continues to do business as usual, albeit its leaders remain a mystery. Heihachi is presumed to have been put to death, while Kazuya betrays his father and makes his escape. The episode includes military helicopters and combat cyborgs.

The mysterious G Corporation conducts a full-scale attack on the building that Heihachi and Kazuya Mishima were in during the climactic sequence of the last game.