
Moba portable download
Moba portable download

SymMover helps you move a folder from one disk to another, and keep its "location" in Windows Explorer.

moba portable download

SymMover offers an ingenious and easy solution to moving big chunks of data between your hard drives, whether they're SSDs or not. Some things won't move, such as the My Pictures folder, but it would move subfolders containing images. It won't move open or running programs, and it requires Administrator privileges for some actions. SymMover doesn't work with every kind of file and program for instance, it only works with NTFS file systems and wouldn't work with a FAT-formatted USB drive. The interface shows installed programs on one tab and a tree view on the other we simply selected those we wanted to move, and the tool did the rest. The Web-based Help file offers good explanations, including troubleshooting. Down the middle runs a toolbar for adding and removing programs and files, changing the destination folder, and moving items from the Source side to Destination and back. SymMover's interface is simple, with identical views for selecting Folders in Source and Folders in Destination, either individually or via Select All and Select None options. But you can also use SymMover to quickly shuttle your data back and forth between disks, letting you keep the games and software you use most on your SSD or other main drive and store your other data on a slower high-capacity disk. Your software and games will still run normally from the new destination.

moba portable download

This simple freeware moves data to another disk and creates a "junction" linking the old destination and the new one. Moba's SymMover offers an interesting alternative. The usual solution is to park data and even Temp folders on a conventional HDD, but that can compromise the performance that you paid for when you bought an SSD, and some programs and games might not even run. SSDs, or solid-state drives, are much faster than the fastest disk drive, but their price-to-capacity ratio means that most users who boot their systems from an SSD don't have much extra room for programs and data, especially big stuff like video and games.

Moba portable download